Panci Udara Vakum Stainless Steel Kanthi Tuas ABS Lan Basis Rotary
Barang NO. |
C10008B-5B, C10008B-4B, C10008B-1B, C10008B-2B, C10008B-3B |
Katrangan | Panci Udara Vakum Stainless Steel Kanthi Tuas ABS Lan Basis Rotary |
Kapasitas |
1.6ltr, 1.9ltr, 2.2ltr, 2.5ltr, 3ltr. |
Materi | 201 waja tahan karat |
Ukuran Karton | / |
*SunnexPanci Udara Vakum Stainless Steel Kanthi Tuas ABS Lan Basis Rotary are generally made of stainless steel and vacuum layer to hold water.
* Sisih ndhuwur ditutupi lan ditutup kanthi kenceng.
* Lapisan isolasi vakum bisa nundha disipasi panas banyu lan cairan liyane ing njero, supaya bisa nggayuh tujuan ngreksa panas.
*Ana 5 ukuran kanggo referensi sampeyan: 1.6ltr, 1.9ltr, 2.2ltr, 2.5ltr, 3ltr.
· Base Lever ABS lan Rotary
·Casing Luar Stainless Steel Kuwasa
·Minuman Panas utawa Kadhemen Sajrone Jam
·Ora diantrekake gelas, ora ana risikone retak
·Higienis lan gampang diresiki nganggo tutup sing bisa dicopot
·24+ jam retensi panas lan adhem kanthi tutup hinged kuwat tembok
·Aman lan sehat: Desain cangkeme spout profesional ora nggawe banyu cipratan, bukti bocor, luwih aman
Layanan:Perusahaan Sunnexduwe sertifikat CE, LFGB lan liyane.
Panggunaan:SunnexPanci Udara Vakum Stainless Steel Kanthi Tuas ABS Lan Basis Rotaryyaiku used in home, restaurant, hotel, office and others.
Kemasan:SunnexPanci Udara Vakum Stainless Steel Kanthi Tuas ABS Lan Basis Rotaryyaikukasedhiya ing macem-macem paket ing ngisor iki:
Cara transportasi:liwat segara, liwat udara, kanthi ekspres lan liwat sepur.
Bayaran:T / T, setoran 30%, saldo 70% sadurunge dikirim
SunnexProducts Limited continually adheres to the fine traditions: Honesty, Innovative Products Designs and Supreme Quality and Service. Sunnex’s steady and secure operation enables Sunnexbrand to gain valuable support and trust from our customers.
Kanggo nahan persaingan sing kuat ing pasar, kita ningkatake daya saing kanthi njelajah pasar anyar lan ngembangake produk anyar, kayata kitaPanci Udara Vakum Stainless Steel Kanthi Tuas ABS Lan Basis Rotary. We always bear in mind the need of our customers and the expectation of end users to optimize our product design and service. In addition, we emphasize on thorough market research and comprehensive coverage of our supply chain to provide practical and efficient solutions to our customers. By implementing these strategies, Sunnexhas achieved mutual benefits with our customers.
Ing 10 taun mbesuk, kita ngerteni sawetara perubahan industri peralatan katering ing China. Sunnex, minangka merek profesional luwih saka 40 taun, kudu cocog karo wektu kanggo ngupayakake keunggulan.