Layanan Tabel

SUNNEX is specializing in Food Service Equipment Supplies for over 50 years.Attached SUNNEX profile for your reference.We have 15 categories with over 500 items for you to choose from.Such as Tableware,Presentation,Slate,Table Tops,Baskets,Covers,Trays,Kitchen Mat,Food Cover,Food Warmer Lamp etc.

Sunnex Slate is great alternative to white plates and adds creativity to food presentation and excellent for serving cold dishes and cold desserts, while fish & meat also look great on slate.

Sunnex Wire Presentation Basket is unique and interesting way for serving chips and other sides and durable professional construction for commercial environment.

Sunnex Punch Bowl:Perfect for serving individual portions of sauce in trendy cafes, restaurants and pubs.

Heavy duty construction with good heat conduction and available in all stainless steel or copper alloy.

Sunnex Table Service have many advantages:Polypropylene rattan baskets,Solid with textured surface,Durable and dishwasher safe,Ideal as server for bread, fruit and cutlery.

Sunnex Cutlery,Knives,Wire Fruit Baskets,Wire Basket with Cotton Lining,Fast Food Trays are perfect for Hotel restaurants, Kitchens,cafes, banquets and other dining places.

SUNNEX has been cooperating with more than 120 countries around the world for more than 50 years, and we have been certified by UL, SEDEX, CE, ISO, BSCI and so on. We are looking forward to being your most reliable kitchenware supplier in the near future.

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Grosir {kata kunci} digawe ing China sing bisa disesuaikan saka SUNNEX. Iki minangka salah sawijining manufaktur {kata kunci} China lan panyedhiya. Minangka salah sawijining produsen BSCI, kita duwe sertifikasi CE, LFGB, FDA, UL, BSCI / ISO lan NSF. Kita wis dadi salah sawijining merek Cina. Amarga duwe macem-macem gaya kayata gaya, gaya, mode, maju, awet lan gaya anyar liyane. Sampeyan ora kuwatir karo rega, bisa menehi kuotasi, sampeyan bakal bisa nemokake Layanan Tabel sing regane dhuwur kanthi rega kompetitif sing cukup. Diskon {tembung kunci} minangka adol paling anyar, lan amarga pasokan pabrik wis kasedhiya. Kita bisa menehi conto gratis digawe ing China. Produk kami dijamin kualitas lan duwe garansi setaun. Ngarep-arep nggarap sampeyan.
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