Tukang masak induksi

SUNNEX is one of top ten buffetware manufacturers and suppliers in China. We have specialized in stainless steel materials for chafing dish, juice dispenser, milk urn, Induction Cooker and other kitchenware for 50 years and exported our products to more than 120 countries and region with strong technical support, good quality and services.

Another great thing about this induction cooker is that it heats up quickly. In fact, it heats up twice as fast as traditional gas stovetops, which means less time spent waiting for your food to cook and more time to enjoy your meal.

The cooker also has a range of temperature and power settings to choose from, giving you complete control over your cooking. Whether you need to simmer, boil, fry or sauté, this versatile appliance has got you covered.

We have obtained certifications such as '"ls09001:2015",CCC", "NSF", "CE", "UL"and "BSCI”! As one of the leading manufacturers in the catering sector, we strictly implement quality control and catch up with the market trend to develop innovative products with competitive prices.

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Kompor Induksi Komersial

Kompor Induksi Komersial

Kompor Induksi Komersial SUNNEX, pilihan sing sampurna kanggo pawon profesional. Kanthi fitur-fitur canggih lan teknologi canggih, kompor iki nyedhiyakake asil masak sing luar biasa, dadi kudu diduweni kanggo koki sing sibuk.

Waca liyaneKirim Pitakonan
Grosir {kata kunci} digawe ing China sing bisa disesuaikan saka SUNNEX. Iki minangka salah sawijining manufaktur {kata kunci} China lan panyedhiya. Minangka salah sawijining produsen BSCI, kita duwe sertifikasi CE, LFGB, FDA, UL, BSCI / ISO lan NSF. Kita wis dadi salah sawijining merek Cina. Amarga duwe macem-macem gaya kayata gaya, gaya, mode, maju, awet lan gaya anyar liyane. Sampeyan ora kuwatir karo rega, bisa menehi kuotasi, sampeyan bakal bisa nemokake Tukang masak induksi sing regane dhuwur kanthi rega kompetitif sing cukup. Diskon {tembung kunci} minangka adol paling anyar, lan amarga pasokan pabrik wis kasedhiya. Kita bisa menehi conto gratis digawe ing China. Produk kami dijamin kualitas lan duwe garansi setaun. Ngarep-arep nggarap sampeyan.
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