Barang NO. |
T02-1030, T02-1050, T02-1070, T02-1100, T02-1150 |
Katrangan | Panci Teh Stainless Steel Kothak Kanthi Gagang |
Kapasitas |
0.3ltr / 11fl.oz, 0.5ltr / 18fl.oz, 0.7ltr / 25fl.oz, 1ltr / 35fl.oz, 1.5ltr / 53fl.oz. |
Materi | 304 waja tahan karat |
Ukuran Karton | / |
* Panci teh stainless steel persegi sunnex kanthi pegangan minangka kabutuhan saben dinane, sing bisa digunakake kanggo nahan teh, kopi lan susu.
*Umume digunakake ing omah, restoran lan kantor.
*Amarga Panci Teh Stainless Steel Kothak Kanthi Gampang gampang diresiki lan awet, mula disenengi karo kabeh wong ing njaba negara.
*Lan seri iki dhuwur lan lancip, cocog kanggo hotel mewah.
*Ana 5 ukuran kanggo referensi sampeyan: 0.3ltr / 11fl.oz, 0.5ltr / 18fl.oz, 0.7ltr / 25fl.oz, 1ltr / 35fl.oz, 1.5ltr / 53fl.oz.
· Awak persegi panjang kanthi desain gaya lan awet ndadekake tampilan anyar lan unik
·Spout pouring sing gampang lan ora netes
·Nangani kothong tutul
·Pengelasan lan pagawean sing mulus
·Panci Teh Stainless Steel Kothak Kanthi Gaganggunakake stainless steel kelas dhuwur 304
·Aman mesin cuci piring
Layanan:Perusahaan Sunnex duwe sertifikat CE, LFGB lan liyane.
Panggunaan:Sunnex Panci Teh Stainless Steel Kothak Kanthi Gagang are used in home, restaurant, hotel, office and others.
Kemasan:Sunnex Panci Teh Stainless Steel Kothak Kanthi Gagang are available in the following different packages:
Cara transportasi:liwat segara, liwat udara, kanthi ekspres lan liwat sepur.
Bayaran:T / T, setoran 30%, saldo 70% sadurunge dikirim
Sunnex Products Limited tetep nganggo tradhisi sing apik: Kejujuran, Desain Produk Inovatif lan Kualitas lan Layanan sing Paling Dhuwur. Operasi Sunnex sing tetep lan aman nggawe merek Sunnex entuk dhukungan lan kepercayaan saka para pelanggan.
To withstand the intense competition in the market, we enhance our competitiveness by exploring new markets and developing new products,such us Panci Teh Stainless Steel Kothak Kanthi Gagang. We always bear in mind the need of our customers and the expectation of end users to optimize our product design and service. In addition, we emphasize on thorough market research and comprehensive coverage of our supply chain to provide practical and efficient solutions to our customers. By implementing these strategies, Sunnex has achieved mutual benefits with our customers.
Ing 10 taun mbesuk, kita ngerteni sawetara perubahan industri peralatan katering ing China. Sunnex, minangka merek profesional luwih saka 40 taun, kudu cocog karo wektu kanggo ngupayakake keunggulan.