Pits Kaca Kaca

High value Glass Water Pitcher made in China can be customized from SUNNEX which is one of the BSCI manufactures, suppliers and brands in China. Sunnex is a leading Hong Kong-based Glass Water Pitcher Equipment supplier with over 50 years of experience, offers a wide range of high-quality, durable solutions (over 500 items) designed to optimize kitchens experience in premium hotels.

Crafted with a sturdy handle and a comfortable grip, the Glass Water Pitcher is easy to pour without worrying about any spills or accidents. Its large and wide spout ensures that water flows smoothly for a consistent and perfect pour every time. This pitcher can hold up to 64 ounces of water, so it’s perfect for a family gathering or afternoon tea party.

You can wholesale or buy discount Glass Water Pitcher with a reasonable competitive price. Our factory has various styles, such as fashion, newest, advanced, durable, classy and fancy. Don't worry about the quality, we have CE, LFGB, FDA, UL, BSCI/ISO and NSF certification and our products have one year warranty. It is the latest selling, so we always have it in stock.We are willing to give you the price list and free sample and I believe our quotation will satisfy you.

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Minangka produsen banyu berlian berlian sing profesional 1.5ltrs, sampeyan bisa njamin tuku picer banyu berlian saka pabrik lan SunNex kita bakal menehi layanan sing paling apik sawise sale lan kiriman pas wektune.

Waca liyaneKirim Pitakonan
Pot kopi intam kanthi skala 1.6ltr

Pot kopi intam kanthi skala 1.6ltr

Ing ngisor iki minangka introduksi kanggo pot kopi berlian kanthi skala 1.6ltr, sunnex muga-muga bisa mbantu sampeyan luwih ngerti pot kopi inten. Sugeng pelanggan sing anyar lan lawas supaya terus kerja bareng karo kita kanggo nggawe masa depan sing luwih apik!

Waca liyaneKirim Pitakonan
Grosir {kata kunci} digawe ing China sing bisa disesuaikan saka SUNNEX. Iki minangka salah sawijining manufaktur {kata kunci} China lan panyedhiya. Minangka salah sawijining produsen BSCI, kita duwe sertifikasi CE, LFGB, FDA, UL, BSCI / ISO lan NSF. Kita wis dadi salah sawijining merek Cina. Amarga duwe macem-macem gaya kayata gaya, gaya, mode, maju, awet lan gaya anyar liyane. Sampeyan ora kuwatir karo rega, bisa menehi kuotasi, sampeyan bakal bisa nemokake Pits Kaca Kaca sing regane dhuwur kanthi rega kompetitif sing cukup. Diskon {tembung kunci} minangka adol paling anyar, lan amarga pasokan pabrik wis kasedhiya. Kita bisa menehi conto gratis digawe ing China. Produk kami dijamin kualitas lan duwe garansi setaun. Ngarep-arep nggarap sampeyan.
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