Rak Lipat Lipat Kanggo Panyimpenan Gampang
Barang NO. | CFER2K |
Katrangan |
Rak Lipat Lipat Kanggo Panyimpenan Gampang |
Kapasitas | / |
Materi | waja tahan karat |
Ukuran Produk | 45 * 26 * 22 (h) cm, ukuran 2 * setengah |
*Rak Lipat Lipat Kanggo Panyimpenan Gampang as a perfect storing grains, it use in multiple fields to take and put the things easily. Utilize in any room of the house to store, sort, and easily access items.
* Bisa digunakake ing lemari, pawon, ruang tamu, jedhing, wastafel. Rak kasebut ndadekake papan kasebut katon luwih teratur, lan nggawe papan sing luwih akeh kanggo ngrampungake prekara liya kanthi menehi papan sing pas kanggo nginep barang.
*SunnexKitchen Rak Lipat Lipat Kanggo Panyimpenan Gampang is durable and easy use in multiple place, it with 2* half size for different usage storage
*SunnexRak Lipat Lipat Kanggo Panyimpenan Gampang is solid construction for the different container, it’s easy to storage with foldable functions
· Baki sing bisa dilipat kanthi warna sing padhang lan gampang diresiki
· Mewah lan praktis, cara sing sampurna kanggo nyedhiyakake panganan sing berkualitas.
· Konstruksi padhet kanggo kontainer
· Porselen Sunnexnyedhiyakake macem-macem gaya lan ukuran kanggo pilihan sampeyan.
· Ukuran: 45 * 26 * 22 (h) cm kanthi ukuran 2 * setengah
Garansi:SunnexRak Lipat Lipat Kanggo Panyimpenan Gampang duwe garansi setaun.
Panggunaan:SunnexRak Lipat Lipat Kanggo Panyimpenan Gampang is digunakake ing omah, restoran, hotel, kantor lan liya-liyane.
Kemasan:Paket standar SUNNEX utawa paket sing disesuaikan.
Cara transportasi:liwat segara, liwat udara, kanthi ekspres lan liwat sepur.
Bayaran:30% T / T sadurunge, keseimbangan 70% sadurunge dikirim
SunnexProducts Limited continually adheres to the fine traditions: Honesty, Innovative Products Designs and Supreme Quality and Service. Sunnex’s steady and secure operation enables Sunnexbrand to gain valuable support and trust from our customers.
To withstand the intense competition in the market, we enhance our competitiveness by exploring new markets and developing new products. We always bear in mind the need of our customers and the expectation of end users to optimize our product design and service. In addition, we emphasize on thorough market research and comprehensive coverage of our supply chain to provide practical and efficient solutions to our customers. By implementing these strategies, Sunnexhas achieved mutual benefits with our customers.
Ing 10 taun mbesuk, kita ngerteni sawetara perubahan industri peralatan katering ing China. Sunnex, minangka merek profesional luwih saka 40 taun, kudu cocog karo wektu kanggo ngupayakake keunggulan.